Here at Advanced, we aspire to help you achieve your goals! An exciting addition this year is that our Rehab Center Clinicians will be teaching classes beginning in February! Trial classes start the week of January 20th! Call 973-616-4555 or sign up below to reserve your spot!* Availability is limited.

Upper & Lower Body Rehabilitation
With Dr. Kevin
Monday, January 20th from 1:00pm-1:30pm
Basic stretching and rehabilitation exercises to restore normal strength and conditioning of the upper and lower body. To sign up for this class, click here.

With Dr. Christine
Tuesday, January 21st from 12:30pm-1:00pm
Improve balance and body awareness as you strengthen the muscles that support good posture and a strong gait. To sign up for this class, click here.

Improving Posture & Strengthening Bones
With Vince & Kelly
Wednesday, January 22nd from 12:30pm-1:00pm
Restoring good posture and low back flexibility / helping to improve bone density. To sign up for this class, click here.