Category: Workout

Walking for Back Health and Exercise

It’s 2021, and in January, most people start to get back into a fitness and health routine. If you’ve been out of practice from the exercise game, it’s best to ease back in slowly. What if you suffer from recurring back pain? Well, walking is one of the simplest exercises and is frequently overlooked as […]

Why do runners get injured? Part 3: Structural Imbalances

As we enter into part three of our series, it’s pretty clear that we are big fans of running as a sport and exercise. Not only is it a great workout for your body, but it’s amazing for mental health. Whether you’re an amateur runner or elite cross country athlete, injuries can happen. The best […]

Why do runners get injured? Part 2: Improper Form

Have you ever watched a video of yourself running? Chances are, probably not….but you should!  Form is derived from a runner’s strengths, weaknesses, past injuries, and neural-derived habits. However, form goes even further than our body’s history. Different types of runners exhibit different movement patterns, for instance, a sprinter will have by nature and demand […]

Cycling Injury Prevention

Thanks to the at-home cycling craze, there are more cyclists on the road and on stationary bikes than ever before. From Peloton to Echelon and your favorite spin class here at our fitness center, Advanced Fitness and Wellness, cycling classes are popping up everywhere. Now, with the summer approaching, some of these avid cyclists are […]

Fitness and Heart Health

February is American Heart Month, which is one of our favorite months out of the year. To help keep New Jersey hearts healthy, we want to share with you the heart benefits of daily exercise. Taking care of your heart is one of the most important things you can do. In fact, one of the […]

Resistance Training Helps Fight Age-Related Muscle Loss & Weight Gain

Many people think getting older isn’t fun, but that doesn’t have to be true. Age-related muscle loss and weight gain doesn’t have to be your future. Staying active and keeping your diet in check can help you look and feel your best. So, what type of training is best to keep yourself looking and feeling […]

Tips for Hiring the Right Personal Trainer for You

After 2020, it’s now more important than ever to put your health FIRST! Now that 2021 is FINALLY underway, we are all working hard to stay on track with our New Year fitness plans. Staying active, healthy and fit should be a priority for 2021..and luckily, you’ve come to the right place! We offer a […]

Benefits of Yoga Classes

Yoga is all about harmonizing your mind, your breath with your movement. The stereotype that yoga “isn’t hard” and “isn’t a real workout” couldn’t be farther from the truth. Our yoga classes offer tons of benefits for both your mental and physical health. And don’t worry if you don’t consider yourself flexible; you can reap […]

Strength Training or Cardio Training?

Picture your dream body, then think of the fitness goals you need to achieve to get there. No matter how far along you are on your fitness and health journey, our fitness center and outdoor fitness classes in Northern New Jersey will help guide you every step of the way. A common question we’re asked […]